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MacBook Pro

New MacBook Pro

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Latest Intel mobile architecture

Powered by the most advanced mobile processors from Intel, the new Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro is over 50% faster than the original Core Duo MacBook Pro and now supports up to 4GB of RAM.

Leading-edge graphics

The NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT delivers exceptional graphics processing power. For the ultimate creative canvas, you can even configure the 17-inch model with a 1920-by-1200 resolution display.

Designed for life on the road

Innovations such as a magnetic power connection and an illuminated keyboard with ambient light sensor put the MacBook Pro in a class by itself.

Connect. Create. Communicate.

Quickly set up a video conference with the built-in iSight camera. Control presentations and media from up to 30 feet away with the included Apple Remote. Connect to high-bandwidth peripherals with FireWire 800 and DVI.

Next-generation wireless

Featuring 802.11n wireless technology, the MacBook Pro delivers up to five times the performance and up to twice the range of previous-generation technologies.

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Minions ipsum butt aaaaaah tank yuuu! Jeje underweaaar gelatooo tatata bala tu belloo! Poulet tikka masala bananaaaa jiji bappleees. Po kass tatata bala tu belloo! Butt butt daa hana dul sae pepete. Chasy belloo! Bappleees po kass belloo! Pepete bananaaaa potatoooo wiiiiiMinions ipsum butt aaaaaah tank yuuu! Jeje underweaaar gelatooo tatata bala tu belloo! Poulet tikka masala bananaaaa jiji bappleees. Po kass tatata bala tu belloo! Butt butt daa hana dul sae pepete. Chasy belloo! Bappleees po kass belloo! Pepete bananaaaa potatoooo wiiiii.

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  • Views: 44
  • Brand: Apple
  • Product Code: Product 18
  • Reward Points: 800
  • Availability: In Stock
0 Product(s) Sold
  • $2,000.00
  • Ex Tax: $2,000.00